After school Clubs at Glebe

Childcare clubs until 6pm

From 24th February 2025 - Spring Term 2

Our after-school clubs will run from 3 - 6pm every day. Our clubs are filled with amazing activities for your children, no matter their interests. Whether they are sporty or creative, or interested in something else, we will cater to their needs. Every afternoon we will provide creative activities such as art, craft, design and cooking. Alongside this, we will also offer sporting activities such as football, benchball, tennis, dodgeball and many more. For those children that would rather lead their own play, we will also have a range of indoor and outdoor activities such as small world, construction, book nooks and sensory play.

We also offer a meal with our children staying on until 6pm. We are aiming to provide a freshly made hot tea every evening if the facilities allow. Encouraging children to live a healthy and active lifestyle is key for us, which is why we aim to provide our meals with at least 2 of their 5 a day. Once we know what facilities are available we will have a menu ready for parents.

Booking and Pricing

When booking and paying for a term in advance, our sessions work out to be £12.50 until 6pm with an evening meal. We also offer a 10% sibling discount for any additional children attending.

Ad-hoc sessions are £14. We are hoping that we will have some ad-hoc sessions free each day in case emergency childcare is needed!

We also offer earlier pickup times of 4pm and 4.30pm, more info on costs can be found below


Spring Term 1 - 6 Weeks

4pm Pick Up

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - £36

4.30pm Pick Up

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - £48

6pm Pick Up with Tea

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - £75

Prices are for 1 day each for the half term



Should you have 2 or more children booked on for a session you will receive a 10% sibling discount for any additional child/ren.


Adhoc sessions are currently available every day, for every session and for all children. Please let a member of the PLAY at Glebe team know as soon as possible if you wish to make an Adhoc booking.

To book an Adhoc place please email emails are monitored all day, so even for same day bookings please email.

Adhoc Prices

Until 4pm - £7 Until 4.30pm - £9     Until 6pm - £14

Adhoc bookings are any booking that is not a full half term, booked and paid for in advance. Sibling discount does not apply to adhoc bookings


How to book

Booking your child a place at the Glebe after school clubs is easy, just fill out the online booking form below and click submit. Once you submit the booking form, we aim to be in touch with you within 24 hours to confirm your booking

Pick up for all clubs will be at the Kingston Lane Gate.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are 10 minutes late for picking up your child there will be a £10 late fee. There will be an additional £5 fee for every 5 minutes thereafter

Payment Details

Cheques Payable to -   PLAY

BACs Details -   Account Number : 61260485  Sort Code : 04-00-04  Reference - Your child’s name

Childcare Vouchers - We use many different providers as well as tax free childcare. Please enquire to see if we use the same providers as you.


Parent Registration Document

Document can be found here