May Half Term Academy at St Mary's
PLAY will once again be running a half term academy this May half term at St Mary's. With the success of the after school clubs this year and the previous academy we thought it would be a great idea to provide something over the May holiday as well.
We will be offering 2 days of activity and creativity on Wednesday 31st May and Thursday 1st June.
Each day is filled with sports, games, arts and crafts and fun! There really is something for every child to enjoy.
2 Day Prices
10 - 4pm - £38 8.30 - 5.30 - £47.50
If you have a second child attending you will receive an extra 10% sibling discount on the total cost!
How to book
You can book your child onto a place at the St Mary's academy in 2 ways, either by collecting a form from the school office or by booking online below.
Booking Online
Please fill out the form below and submit it. Once this has been processed you will recieve and email confirmation of your childs place. Please make sure you send payment by Cash / Cheque to the school office or pay by BACs transfer.
Payment Details
Cheques Payable to - PLAY
BACs Details - Account Number : 28352467 Sort Code : 60-24-77
When paying by BACs please use your childs name as the reference. Thank you.