Teaching at St Mary's
From Septermber 2016 PLAY will be delivering PE teaching across all year groups at St Mary's. Mr Jamie Brotherton will be delivering this service, he is a fully qualified teacher, recently graduated from the University of Brighton. Our goal is to offer a wide and varied curriculum that allows all children to access and practice a range of activities. We offer children all sorts of activities from traditional games such as football and netball to aesthetic activities such as dance and gymnastics all the way to activities the children may never have experienced before such as volleyball, handball and golf.
The PLAY teaching ethos is that we develop children as a whole rather than seeing them as a sports perfomer. We really take on the PE mantra and educate the children we teach through physical methods. We believe that PE lessons are an essential part of a childs school life and allow them to develop skills that they may not develop anywhere else. Through games and activities we develop a childs social and communication skills, teamwork, decision making and conflict resolution amongst others. Physical Education is also a fundamental contributor to a childs physical development, especially throughout early years and KS1. Through PE lessons we look to develop a childs physical literacy including their basic movement and agility skills, balance and co-ordination as well as many more.
While at St Mary's PLAY will be working closely with the current teaching staff to help with their PE CPD. We will be helping to develop their PE subject knowledge, ability to adapt and plan effective lessons as well as expanding their teaching skills while in PE lessons. We will also be using a bespoke assessment method developed especially for St Mary's to make sure the children are progresssing and learning in PE as much as possible.